I was honored to have the opportunity to present the Keynote Presentation at the ITE/IMSA Arizona Spring Conference at the Black Canyon Conference Center in Phoenix, Arizona on February 25, 2015. The title of the presentation was "The Future of Transportation is Now: Are We Ready?" and I enjoyed the opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities we are facing in our field. With more than 500 participants, it was a lively event, and it included a great turnout of students from the University of Arizona along with their professor Dr. Yao-Jan Wu. Special thanks to Jenny Grote for her kind invitation!
We were very pleased to have Mr. Andrew Fremier, Deputy Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and Cal Poly CE alum, visit campus this past week. He was kind enough to speak to CE 321 Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering and CE 523 Transportation Systems Planning and meet with ITE students in the new Transportation Engineering Student Project Area (TESPA) on February 19-20. Thank you for your visit!
The latest issue of the Cal Poly SLO CEENVE Newsletter features an article on the transportation program. Exciting times! A shorter version was also featured in the CENG Spring 2015 Newsletter.
The Cal Poly SLO ITE Student Chapter made a strong showing at the ITE Student Leadership Summit, hosted by Sacramento State University from February 13-14, 2015. Cal Poly students hosted the first summit in San Luis Obispo in 2014, and it was announced that the third event will occur at Cal Poly Pomona in 2016. This is an "of/by/for" student event and is supported by the ITE Western District. More than 20 Cal Poly SLO students participated actively in the 3 day event. Activities included a public service announcement (PSA) competition involving the design of a complete street, speed interviews, a career fair, presentation from CTC Executive Director Will Kempton, and an inspiring talk from the Sac State dean of engineering. I was also very honored to be asked to speak to the group on the topic of "Transforming Transportation Through Connectivity," where I introduced the new challenges dealing with connected and automated vehicles and other new technologies. I also enjoyed serving on the transportation industry panel and serving as one of the PSA competition judges. Special thanks to the Cal Poly SLO students for representing our university so well, and to the Sac State student team for organizing such a wonderful event.
On Monday, February 2, 2015 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo transportation engineering and planning students and faculty joined Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx and Google's Eric Schmidt for an online town hall meeting and unveiling of the new U.S. DOT's new “Beyond Traffic"vision document. This Virtual Fireside Chat on the Future of Transportation in America was thought-provoking and provided a great venue to discuss transportation planning and finance in the U.S.
Dr. Meead Saberi, Assistant Professor from Monash University in Melbourne Australia (and graduate of PSU and Northwestern, as well as member of TRB Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics) visited Cal Poly on Monday February 2, 2015. He gave a presentation on Transportation Visualization to the CE 523 Transportation Systems Planning course followed by a visualization exercise. He even got to visit the Madonna Inn! We hope to welcome Dr. Saberi back to San Luis Obispo again soon!