I had the pleasure of participating again in the mobil.TUM 2015 International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, with the theme Technologies, Solutions and Perspectives for Intelligent Transport Systems, held June 30 & July 1, 2015 in Munich, Germany. In addition to serving on the International Scientific Committee, I also had the opportunity to present a paper: "Development of a Multimodal Transportation System Simulation Manual: From Theory to Practice," co-authored with Brandon Nevers, George List and Mehdi Mashayekhi. I also presented two posters: "Preparing a Roadmap for Connected Vehicle/Cooperative System Deployment Scenarios: Case Study of the State of Oregon, USA," co-authored with Haizhong Wang and Kevin Carstens; and "Toward Understanding the Benefits of Transit Signal Priority: Case Study Using High Resolution Transit and Traffic Signal Data," with co-authors Wei Feng, Miguel Figliozzi and Kevin Carstens. Finally, I moderated a distinguished panel on "Cyber Physical Transport Systems – ITS On the Move Towards the Internet of Things" with Christian Carstensen, Bastian Chlond, Vito Mauro, and Matthias Althoff. Much appreciation to Prof. Fritz Busch and his team at the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control from the Technische Universitat Munchen for the excellent and enjoyable event.