I was honored and excited to be elected to the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Board of Governors for a three-year term January 1, 2016 - December 3, 2018. I look forward to working with many friends and colleagues to further develop this wonderful society to the next level of excellence!
Fantastic visit to the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou China! Special thanks to Prof. Yibing Wang for the invitation and the wonderful hospitality! I was honored to present "Toward Assessing State Department of Transportation Readiness for Connected Vehicle/Cooperative Systems Deployment Scenarios: An Oregon Case Study" to students and faculty from the Traffic Control Lab, and also was honored to be able to meet with Prof. Yafeng Yin (University of Florida), the Editor in Chief of Transportation Research Part C, and Prof. Hai Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), the Editor in Chief of Transportation Research Part B. Hangzhou is a beautiful city, in particular the famous West Lake.
I had the fantastic opportunity to present "Toward Assessing State Department of Transportation Readiness for Connected Vehicle/Cooperative Systems Deployment Scenarios: An Oregon Case Study" at the 2015 International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITITS 2015) at Chang'an University in Xi'an, China on December 12, 2015. Wonderful colleagues, hosts and experiences!
Today Lance Knox, master's student in city and regional planning and civil and environmental engineering (dual master's), successfully defended his project, "Roundabout Feasibility Study: Highway 227/Huasna Road in Arroyo Grande." Congratulations Lance!