The Cal Poly SLO ITE Student Chapter was victorious at the recent
Western District Annual Meeting held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Out of 35 student chapters in the Western District, Cal Poly SLO was selected as the top chapter for the second year in a row, receiving the Student Chapter Award. In addition, the Cal Poly SLO team won the Western District level of the Collegiate Traffic Bowl, moving on to the national championship. There was a wonderful representation with about 18 Cal Poly students in attendance at the Western District Annual Meeting. Congratulations to all! Photos show all members in attendance; current officers (Karl Schmidt, Alex Chambers, Bobby Sidhu, Kevin Carstens, Krista Purser and Kelsey Littell); current/past presidents including Krista Purser, Kevin Carstens, Kaylinn Roseman, Travis Low, and Cameron Shew).