The Cal Poly SLO ITE Student Chapter has recently won the International Student Chapter Award (second year in a row, out of 157 student chapters mostly in the U.S., but also abroad) as well as the 2015 International Collegiate Traffic Bowl, at the ITE International meeting held in Hollywood, Florida. According to President Kevin Carstens, "in the first round, Cal Poly squared off against Auburn and University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. After some initial hesitation, we racked up a significant lead, entering the final question at 2400 to UPR's 1300. After the final question (something related to pedestrian safety scores) which all teams missed, we won with 2100 to the other teams' 0 (each). The second and third rounds saw the University of Manitoba and Purdue University defeating the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Pennsylvania State University, Iowa State University, and University of Texas at Austin. In the final round, Cal Poly ITE took off with a failed launch, falling to -300 versus Manitoba's 700. However, we staged a slow comeback throughout the game, reaching the final question with a slight lead at 1600, against Manitoba's 1300 and Purdue's 1000. The final answer was given (paraphrased: "A lane marking that tells drivers to expect bikes and cyclists where to ride"), and all teams correctly responded "what is a sharrow?" Purdue bet all and ended with 2000, Manitoba bet 701 and ended with 2001, and Cal Poly bet 1001 and ended with 2601." Congratulations to the whole team!