Sunday, January 25, 2015

TFTC Committee @ TRB Annual Meeting

Since 2009 I have served as the chair of the National Academy of Sciences' Transportation Research Board standing committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics. With about 100 people in attendance, I chaired my final meeting on January 13, 2015 during the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. During my tenure as chair, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the committee's formation, and produced 3 Transportation Research Circulars, 2 journal special issues, increased state DOT involvement, improved diversity, launched several new subcommittees, encouraged and mentored young members and moved activities to a year round basis.

Since 2009, we also received and processed a total of  965 papers, sponsored 30 lectern sessions with 145 papers, 16 poster sessions with 406 papers, and published a total of 189 peer reviewed paper in the Transportation Research Record. We assigned 4086 paper reviews and received 3521 reviews back. Our friends email list grew to nearly 700 members and our review pool is now at 526 volunteers. I'm very grateful for my predecessors and mentors (especially Alex Skabardonis, Nathan Gartner and Hani Mahmassani) for their support and encouragement; former and current committee members and friends for all of their volunteer activities; and to Rich Cunard of TRB for his amazing support. I believe that our active subcommittees, the many products and activities throughout the year, our mentoring of young members, with reflection and respect for our predecessors will serve the committee well moving forward. Congratulations to Prof. Soyoung Ahn who is taking over as chair, and I look forward to continuing good work by the TFTC committee!