Saturday, January 16, 2016

95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C.

As always it was a wonderful and busy week at the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting held January 10-14 in Washington, D.C. I was a co-author on 7 presented papers, chaired two sessions and led the Operations Section Executive Board Meeting. It was wonderful to have 5 current Cal Poly students and 2 faculty colleagues in attendance. Here are some of the highlights:

Measurement and Assessment of Driver Compliance with Variable Speed Limit Systems: Comparison of United States and Germany (Paper 16-3032)
Gary Riggins, Technical University Munich
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University
Williams Ackaah and Klaus Bogenberger, Universität der Bundeswehr München

Assessing the Harmonization Potential of Variable Speed Limit Systems (Paper 16- 2688)
Williams Ackaah, Gerhard Huber and Klaus Bogenberger, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University

Bus Transit Service Reliability: Understanding Impacts of Overlapping Bus Service on Headway Delays and Determinants of Bus Bunching (Paper 16-2059)
Ehab Diab, University of Toronto
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University
Ahmed El-Geneidy, McGill University

Toward Assessing State Department of Transportation Readiness for Connected Vehicle and Cooperative System Deployment Scenarios: Oregon Case Study (Paper 16-2057)
Robert L. Bertini and Kevin Carstens, California Polytechnic State University
Haizhong Wang, Oregon State University
Anthony Knudson, Oregon Department of Transportation

Development of a Transportation System Simulation Manual (TSSM) Framework: From Theory to Practice (Paper 16-3600)
George List, North Carolina State University
Mehdi Mashayekhi, North Carolina State University
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University
Brandon Nevers, Kittelson & Associates, Inc. (KAI)

Perspectives on Transit: Potential Benefits of Visualizing Transit Data (Paper 16- 5474)
Ehab Diab, University of Toronto 
Ahmed El-Geneidy, McGill University
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University
Colin Stewart

Capturing Benefits of Variable Advisory Speed System in Portland, Oregon: Empirical Before-and-After Evaluation (Paper 16-0687)
Matthew Downey
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University

Freeway Traffic Control (Session 323)
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University, presiding

Operations Section Executive Board (AHB00)
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University, presiding

Applications for a Connected Transportation System (Session 465)
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University, presiding

Macroscopic Features of Traffic Flow (Session 694)
Robert L. Bertini, California Polytechnic State University, presiding

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
TRR Review Advisory Board, Robert. L. Bertini, Member